Selected publications
Paroubek, Cyrus, Kynčl: Experimental investigation and performance analysis of six low flow coefficient centrifugal compressor stages Transactions ASME, J. of Turbomachinery, Vol.117, Oct.1995
Paroubek, Cyrus, Kynčl: The influence of outlet stator part surface roughness on the performance of a very low flow coefficient stage
ASME Paper 96-GT-179, Birmingham, 1996
Snop, Šípek: The origin and transport of moisture and particles in chimney flue
CICIND Meeting, Orlando 1996, Vol.12,No.2
Snop, Zuber: Usage of 3D mathematical modeling of viscous flow at steam turbines design.
ASI (Assotiation of the Czech machine engineers)seminar, 1997, Praha (in Czech)
Paroubek, Kynčl: The influence of impeller flow channel modiffication on aerodynamic performance of a centrifugal compressor stage
ASME Paper 98-GT-040, Stockholm 1998
Snop: 3D viscous flow calculations in an axial compressor vane channel
Coloquium Flow Dynamics, Praha 2000 (in Czech)
Snop, Cyrus: Modifications of vane row of the reversible axial fan stage using numerical methods of flow calculation (in Czech)
Seminar ASI, 2001, Praha